— article original disponible au https://isarta.com/infos/les-subtilites-dun-cv-en-2022/ Dans les deux dernières années, les communications en entreprise se sont virtualisées à vitesse grand V. Nous échangeons par courriel et par les médias sociaux, aussi bien avec des collègues que de potentiels employeurs. Quel en est l’impact sur le CV ? Si on compare à l’époque du CV papier,…
The subtleties of a CV in 2022 – Interview with Isarta News
— Full article available at https://isarta.com/news/the-subtleties-of-a-cv-in-2022/ In the last two years, corporate communications have become virtualized at a rapid pace. We exchange via email and social media with colleagues and potential employers alike. What impact does this have on the resume? Compared to the days of the paper CV, are we still writing this document in…
Using Symbols to spice up your LinkedIn profile
Throughout the years, we have written and published hundreds of LinkedIn makeovers. When browsing though LinkedIn, or when working with the ‘before’ version of our client profiles, I am always amazed at how few people actually use symbols for extra visual effect on their profile. Although symbols must be used strategically and should not be…
Success doesn’t come from a resume. Rather, a good resume reflects our success!
Success doesn’t come from a resume. Rather, a good resume reflects our success! Here’s proof. I have to tell you something. I am so impressed with a particular client of mine, who has been trusting me with his resume work for a few years now. This man works in the oil and gas…
Le CV pour un premier emploi étudiant : qu’avez-vous à offrir?
Nous sommes tous passés par là : la recherche d’un premier emploi d’été, mélange d’excitation et d’angoisse. Avant d’envoyer sa candidature dans tous les restaurants et les cafés du coin, il faut construire son premier CV. Mais qu’est-ce qu’on peut bien y mettre quand on n’a aucune expérience professionnelle? Voici quelques idées d’éléments intéressants à ajouter…
Returning to the job market after many years? Do it right!
Stepping back into the shoes of a job seeker can be stressful for anyone. If you have been steadily employed for many years, and suddenly find yourself needing to look for a new employer, it is not uncommon to feel worried, stressed and overwhelmed. If the last sentence rings true to you at the moment,…
Does your resume really sell you as it should?
Seriously! Does it send the right message? As a resume writer & recruiter, I see this way too often! I receive a resume, and just like all recruiters do, I make an immediate judgment on the candidate based on what I see. Then, when speaking with the candidate, a whole new image of the person…
Do I really need a LinkedIn profile?
In short: Yes, you do! Truth is, this is 2015, and we live in a world driven by the internet. We shop online for shoes. We shop online for dates. We shop online for jobs. And, naturally, employers shop online for candidates too! Yes, the job hunting process has changed quite a bit in the…
Are you sending out the right message?
Are you throwing your career boomerang out in the wrong angle? People make all kinds of interpretations about others on a daily basis, often based on a single piece of information, a feeling, an impression, a pre-existing bias, or perhaps even a partial story. Undeniably, we are all guilty of it in one form or…
5 astuces pour rédiger un CV accrocheur
11 secondes : c’est le temps qu’un recruteur accorde en moyenne à la lecture un CV. Vous devez donc arriver à le convaincre très rapidement que vous êtes le candidat parfait pour le poste. Comment y arriver? Pour vous aider, nous vous proposons 5 astuces pour rédiger un CV accrocheur. Cinq astuces pour rédiger un CV…